That is what home feels like. From the minute my family greeted me in baggage claim with a beautiful bouquet of roses, to the opening of a care package sent by a lovely best friend, being home is like being that sighing car.
All three of the plane rides went fairly smoothly. The best part of the trip was meeting a twenty year old Peruvian girl named Andrea in the baggage check-in line, who was heading to Florida to work for four months. We spent our Panama City and Houston layovers together.
It was her first time traveling alone and out of the country, and no one was going to be there to pick her up at the Orlando airport. She was going to spend the night there and in the morning find a ride to another town where there would be an equal absence of friends and sleeping arrangements. Not to mention her English was on a basic level. Can you imagine? I can't. I had a family with flowers and I still seemed more nervous than she was.
All I can say is that it's for all the brave, ambitious, resourceful Andreas that I cannot wait to be an English as a Second Language teacher. Inspiring.
I truly admire people such as yourself and your airport buddy Andrea. You're so brave and adventerous!
ReplyDeleteMoving to a new place, a new country, and with a new and very foreign language is SUPER hard... Andrea is brave, fo sho. But going home after being away for so long is also unnerving. Glad you met people on the way... that's the best part of travel. And I'm glad you got such a warm welcome home. :)
ReplyDeleteJust checked out your blog, I like it! Time for me to read your past entries.. =)
ReplyDeleteHellow there....glad to know you're back home... :)
ReplyDeleteShe is brave, that Andrea!
Excellent piece, like the part about the car sighing.
ReplyDeleteHello there, Dani!
ReplyDeleteLooks like you've been having quite an adventure, I'm a little jealous! Anyway, I repled to your post back on my blog, so feel free to go check that out. But also wanted to stop by your blog to say thanks for checking mine out and following. I wanted to return the favor!
Your car illustration is very clever. I experienced a similar moment a few months ago when I moved home after several months away. Glad you made it home safely!
ReplyDeleteHolly: Thanks! Although I wouldn't exactly put my carefully planned and supervised adventure in the same category as Andrea's
ReplyDeleteNate: you would know all about both I'm thinking. ;)
Trish: Thanks for stopping by and following! The exchange is the best part of blogging
Caterpillar: Thanks for coming! Good to be back home. Although I may get boringer. (More boring? Boring to the more degree?)
Pearl: Thanks for visiting! True, true! I told her so.
Christine: I did indeed look at the reply. And now I'm replying to your reply about the reply to my reply...feel free to stop the cycle...
Naomi: Thanks friend! I've always loved the way a car feels right when it turns off. It seemed appropriate.
Jackie: Not as ambitious as your pieces, but I do what I can :)
ReplyDeleteLove the pictures thru the plane window... meeting people traveling is so much fun and so comforting I would imagine for Andrea. I have probs not bringing home a homeless puppy, I can't imagine leaving Andrea on her own. She is a trooper. I hate staying over in airports...it sounds ok in the beginning and as the night and early morning hours crawl by, its a lonely, scary place. Saying a prayer for Andrea! Glad you are home safe and your motor is clicking and clanking into home mode.
ReplyDeleteNos reunimos la proxima semana, querida hermanita :-D
ReplyDeleteaaahh! Iba a llamarte hoy y totalmente olvide! Manana, manana. Te prometo.
ReplyDeleteAnd Bonnie: definitely praying for Andrea. It sounds horrifying, I agree.